Let’s Talk about Incontinence

By Dr. Lorie Johnson

What is Incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine. There are three different
types of urinary incontinence:
• Stress incontinence is when there is exerted pressure on the bladder causing leakage.
This can be caused by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising
• Urge incontinence is the sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently. This is often the cause
of accidents and “not getting there on time”
• Mixed incontinence is a combination of both stress and urge incontinence

It is estimated that 51% of women over the age of 40 suffer from some form of incontinence
with ranges from very mild leakage to severe.

Incontinence is the result of weak pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles play an important
role in supporting pelvic organs and controlling the bladder. These muscles weaken due to
changes in the body such as pregnancy, vaginal delivery, menopause and aging. Also years of
heavy lifting on certain jobs can add to the weakening of the pelvic floor.
Other factors such as stroke and nerve damage can also worsen the severity of incontinence.
It is estimated that the average woman suffering with incontinence will spend anywhere from
$900 to $2400 dollars annually on products to manage her incontinence. This has made the
incontinence industry a multi-billion dollar industry with an average spending of 3-5 billion
dollars annually.

While urinary incontinence is especially burdensome in women with anywhere from 40-7-% of
women being affected, the prevalence rate in men is also noted to be high and is in the range
of 25-30%.

Historically, incontinence has had very limited forms of treatment. Patients have usually been
told to do Kegel exercises (A Kegel exercise is like pretending you have to urinate and then
holding it. You relax and tighten the muscles that control urine flow). Doing this multiple times
a day is supposed to tighten the muscle that controls the flow of urine from the bladder. It can
be challenging to do them perfectly as well as remembering to do them.

In more severe cases of incontinence, surgery was the main option. However, in most of these
surgeries, a form of mesh needed to be used to add the necessary support. In recent years,
recalls and lawsuits have made the mesh a less then ideal option.
In addition, patients who were not candidates for surgery became even more difficult to treat.
In older women who were not able to undergo surgery, this often meant that silicone ring
devices, called pessaries, were inserted into the vagina to help with this issue. These devices
have to be removed and cleaned every 3-4 months by a doctor and can be very uncomfortable
for the patient. For many women, this too was not a great option.

All of this means that many patients suffering with incontinence had no options except to wear
pads and other uncomfortable forms of protection risking accidents and embarrassment with
no relief in sight, EMSELLA changes all of that.

EmSella is a breakthrough treatment for incontinence that is changing lives. EMSELLA treats all
types of incontinence: stress, urge and mixed! This unique technology revolutionizes women’s
intimate health and wellness by providing those suffering from incontinence with a completely
non-invasive option. You don’t even have to take your clothes off!

EMSELLA utilizes high frequency electromagnetic energy to deliver thousands of supramaximal
pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single session. These contractions rebuild and strengthen
the muscles of incontinent patients. Imagine doing 20,000 Kegels in 30 minutes!!! EMSELLA is
not painful and most people are able to use it without risk. There is no radiation associated with

EMSELLA and just requires you to sit still for 30 minutes. 4-6 sessions usually provide 90-95%
reduction in symptoms.

And Best of all…EMSELLA is available in Locust Grove.

Call Just For You Ob/Gyn at 678-814 4700 to set up your free demo of EMSELLA and get your
Confidence back! Ask about our special pricing for the month of September. You can laugh again without leaking!!! Call us today!

Submitted by Dr. Lorie Johnson, FACOG
Just For You Ob/Gyn

Dr Lorie Johnson is a Board-certified Ob/Gyn with over 20 years of experience. She is the Owner of Just for You Women’s Healthcare on Hwy 42 in Locust Grove. She has been serving the women of Locust Grove and the surrounding areas for the last 12 years. She is passionate about helping women live in optimal health throughout their life span.

Painting Henry Blue for Child Abuse Prevention Month

By Robin Jones of Prevent Child Abuse Henry

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  You will see blue bows, signs, pinwheels and people wearing blue throughout the month to bring awareness to the issue of child abuse.  The blue and silver pinwheels are the national symbol for child abuse prevention and serve as a visual reminder that we all play a role in ensuring a happy and healthy childhood for all children. 

The national pandemic has made this past year more difficult for everyone in some way.  Some people have seen a job loss that also meant a health insurance loss.  Many families are dealing with various reductions of income.  Parents and children are faced with online learning, changes in work schedules and childcare.  On top of all this, families are concerned about elderly family members.  There are also very limited social activities and outlets for adults as well as children.  This can all be very stressful and overwhelming.  It seems that this has most likely contributed to the numbers for domestic violence as well as child abuse rising over the past year. 

Prevention is about promoting programs and resources that strengthen families.  You can help by making a donation to nonprofits that provide assistance, information, resources and referrals to families.  Volunteer to help with a family or youth serving organization.   Be proactive and participate in a Steward’s of Children child sexual abuse prevention training which teaches how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.  Encourage parents and caregivers to seek help when needed using the 1-800-CHILDREN helpline, which is an information and referral number.  You can support families by helping with a meal or offering to babysit to give parents a break (it could be outside on a nice day).  You could be a mentor to a child.  Children need positive childhood experiences including nurturing relationships and safe, stable supportive environments so they can thrive.  These positive childhood experiences will help them become empowered and resilient, able to push through adversity and be healthy productive adults.

Prevent Child Abuse Henry’s 2021 Child Abuse Prevention Month’s theme   is “Growing a better tomorrow for all children, together”. Wear blue every Friday in the month of April to show your support for Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Please post a picture of yourself with your pinwheels or wearing blue to Facebook with #PaintHenryBlue2021 and tag @Prevent Child Abuse Henry County.  Contact robin@preventchildabusehc.org for pinwheels, signs and t-shirts, or to schedule a Steward’s of Children prevention training.  We want to “Paint Henry Blue” to create awareness in April.  Visit us at http://www.preventchildabusehc.org.

Thank you for helping to make Henry County a safe and healthy place for children and families!

Welcome Street Paws Non-Profit Animal Rescue to Historic Downtown Locust Grove!

From guest blogger Kristi Butler

Street Paws is a a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization established in 2013, now located in Historic Locust Grove. We work to reduce animal population through spay/neuter, promote responsible pet ownership including vaccinations and humane education, and seek suitable homes for unwanted and neglected animals.

Street Paws is settling in nicely in our new office at 250 Cleveland St. in historic Downtown Locust Grove. We are a foster-home-based animal rescue, so no animals are onsite except for the already existing shop kitty named Felix. We use our office space to collect supplies and donations and as a meet-and-greet location for fosters and potential adoptive pet parents. We have a volunteer onsite for any donations from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday or by appointment. We are super excited that this new location will open new doors for us as our rescue continues to grow!!  

Here’s how you can help Street Paws make a difference for homeless, abused, and neglected animals:

 Volunteer: We are looking for new volunteers and long term/dedicated foster homes. We are also looking for additional storage space if anyone has any connections in that area.  

Donate or Sponsor: If you would like to help Street Paws, but cannot commit to fostering a fur-baby, please consider a sponsorship or monthly donation. Your donation helps cover care costs as well as vet bills for animals who come to us ill or injured. Even a small amount makes an impact in an animal’s life.

If you’d like to send a gift, Street Paws also has a Chewy.com wishlist and Amazon Smile account- so you can donate just by shopping for the things you’d normally buy!

Adopt: Looking for a new addition to your family? We have cats and dogs ready for their forever homes.

We verify vet history on current/previous pets to ensure pets have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated annually.

Our adoption fee is $100 for all of our cats. They have been given age-appropriate vaccinations, are spayed/neutered, feline leukemia and FIV tested, dewormed had flea prevention, and micro-chipped.

For dogs, our adoption fee ranges from $250-400. They have been given age-appropriate vaccinations, are spayed/neutered, de-wormed, received flea prevention, heartworm tested or treated if necessary, and micro-chipped. Please keep in mind that to best match each pet to the right forever home, this application does not commit you to an adoption.

The last year has been something no one could’ve ever imagined with this pandemic. We are hoping in the near future to be able to hold off site adoption and fundraising events again!

What Happens Upstream, Doesn’t Stay Upstream

From Locust Grove GIS Stormwater Specialist Shane Hallford

  Contaminants entering storm water collection points, from our homes and roadways, degrades the quality of our most valuable resource, water. When contaminants make their way down our drains and into the streams and lakes, they affect our drinking water, wildlife and vegetation growth.

   The effects of contaminated water cause extra steps and costs in order to treat the water we drink and use every day, and can result in odor and taste issues. Although water is our most valuable resource, we are very fortunate that is also remains the most affordable. I think we all take that fact for granted, and fail to realize what has to happen to give us the cleanest water in the world. Flooding can also be a result of contaminants, such as silt or dirt, filling up our drains and catch basins.  It all starts with us, and what we can do to only allow rain down the drain.

  Wildlife receives a direct effect from contaminants, by disrupting the natural food chain by destroying the habitat where the smallest organisms live. This causes massive declines in fish and other aquatic populations. Sediment also clogs fish gills, reducing their resistance to disease, lowering growth rates and affecting egg development. In addition, contaminants cloud water making it difficult for animals to see and find their food.

 Murky water prevents natural vegetation from growing properly in water. Vegetation provides the much-needed oxygen for aquatic life to survive. Vegetation is also very important to assist in controlling erosion problems, which only add to sedimentation entering our water ways.

Sources of contaminants and pollution are construction sites, agricultural fields, industrial sites, streets, and our own homes. Substances such as pesticides, fertilizers, automobile fluids, detergents, soaps, septic and sewer leaks, grass clipping and leaves, animal feces and dirt, are all considered contaminants.

Here are some simple ways YOU can help inadvertent contamination and pollution:

  • Wash vehicles in the grass when it’s possible
  • Keep vehicle fluid contained and properly dispose of it when needed
  • Avoid blowing or sweeping leaves and grass into the street

Heavy fines of up to $1,000 can be issued for illegally dumping any of these substances into any stormwater structure or water body.

  Just remember, “only rain should go down the drain” and “what happens upstream, doesn’t stay upstream”.

This holiday season may look a bit different this year, but don’t let that dampen your yuletide cheer!

The COVID-19 pandemic stretches on, but the Holidays are still the “most wonderful time of the year”!

There’s no denying that the 2020 holiday celebrations face unique challenges due to COVID-19. Some holiday traditions may need to be adjusted or postponed for safer times, but these challenges also present opportunities for creativity. While seeking a safer holiday, you and your family just may me reminded of what’s really most important during this season, or may even discover new traditions to start!

Here at the City of Locust Grove, we are adjusting how we celebrate by making the annual “Lighting of the Tree” a virtual event and introducing a NEW event- “Christmas Carpool Cinema”!

We hope you’ll enjoy these celebrations with us and wish for a return to more familiar festivities in 2021!

After your turkey, join us for the virtual Lighting of the Tree!

Thanksgiving night (Nov. 26) at 6:00 PM, listen to a special message from Santa and watch as we light the Locust Grove Christmas lights. The lighting video will be posted on the Locust Grove Main Street page as well as the Locust Grove City Hall page.

(BTW, we have the COOLEST new light display to reveal!)

Watch “The Polar Express” at Locust Grove’s Christmas Carpool Cinema

Bring the family to share this holiday favorite drive-in style on Saturday, December 5th! We’ll have a 40 ft. screen set-up in Claude Gray Park, and viewers can tune-in via their car radio for sound. The movie will began at 6:00 PM. Please  keep an eye on our website and facebook page for details and updates as we approach the event date.

NEW Holiday Ornament design for 2020!

We’re unveiling a brand new custom holiday ornament design this year! Be sure to stop by Locust Grove City Hall to get yours after Thanksgiving (quantities are limited!)

Looking for ways to keep your holiday gatherings and traditions COVID-safer? Check out these tips!

For additional information on how you can protect your loved ones from COVID this Holiday Season, take a look at the CDC’s article HERE: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays.html

Get ready for a ‘Wild Adventure’ at Noah’s Ark!

The ultimate drive-in movie experience presented by SCBTV, Noah’s Ark, and Southeast Staging

Lions, Tigers and Bears oh my…Load up the car and experience a wild adventure with this self-guided habitat tour at Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, drive-in movie experience featuring “Jumanji: The Next Level” and free popcorn.

FRIDAY, October 9th and SATURDAY, October 10th gates open at 5pm and the movie starts at 7:30pm.


Vehicle Pass – $30/Carload – The Wild Adventure Vehicle Pass includes admission per carload (up to 6 people) into the event, self-guided walking tour of Noahs Ark Animal Sanctuary, drive in movie experience of Jumanji: The Next Level and free popcorn.

**An additional $5 per person will be charged at the gate for those vehicles with over 6 people**

Dont want to stay in the car – take advantage of our VIP Pass

VIP Pass – $200 – The Wild Adventure VIP Pass includes admission for up to 6 people into the event, self-guided walking tour of Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, VIP 8*12 platform closest to the screen, drive in movie experience of Jumanji: The Next Level and free popcorn/drinks.

Free Admission for Children under 1


1. Cars will be parked as they arrive unless VIP tickets are purchased.

2. Feel free to pack a meal, coolers are allowed at this event. There will also be food trucks on site and free popcorn.

3. Restrooms will be located on the welcome center.

4. Dont forget to bring a flash light!


We will follow all CDC guidelines to ensure the safety of our attendees. Sanitizing Stations will also be on site

Check out the event commercial HERE! – https://vimeo.com/scbtv182/download/456632368/f538b9125a

Link to purchase tickets – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wild-adventure-movie-weekend-tickets-118560627027

A portion of the proceeds from this event will benefit Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary

This Fall, let Lovin’ Oven Pizzeria steal a ‘pizza’ your heart!

From April Byrd, owner, Lovin’ Oven Pizzeria

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Greetings Locust Grove! It’s hard to believe that September is upon us already. Fall never fails to usher in a sense of excitement for me. If the anticipation of cooler weather and the approaching holiday season isn’t enough, here’s another reason to celebrate fall! National Pizza Days! National Cheese Pizza Day is September 5th while National Pepperoni Pizza Day is September 20th. If you can’t make it in on either of those days don’t worry. You’ll have an entire month in October to celebrate pizza since October is National Pizza Month! Not that you need a better reason to come in and dine with us, but why not use these days as a good excuse to come in and see us?
LO Blog 2020 2For those of you that don’t already know, we have an extensive beer selection at Lovin’ Oven. We partner with many great local breweries so we’re sure to have whatever type of beer you have a taste for. Whether it’s a lager, a stout, an IPA, a sour or a blonde ale we’ve got you covered. If you’re curious what kind of beer pairs well with different pizzas, let us make some recommendations.


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Our beers change frequently with our rotating cans and tap handles so you can be assured our selection is always fresh! With the approach of fall we can’t wait for you to try our new offerings. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You never know when you might discover something you never thought you’d like!


Many people who visit us enjoy our patio where they can sit and dine while watching the trains go by, listen to the great music from the train platform or celebrate a loved-one’s 

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birthday. This may be why our patio was voted as one of the top ten patios in Henry 

County! We have some exciting changes coming this fall so be sure you check in with us. Here’s a hint…everyone will be able to take advantage of this great amenity during the approaching cooler months.


Still not comfortable dining out? We understand! Don’t feel like eating out but want pizza? There’s an answer for that. Do you want a really fun project to do with the kids? We’ve got you covered. Have you heard about our DIY Pizza Kits? If not, then let me explain. Our DIY kits could be just the answer you’ve been looking for. Here’s how it works. Give us a call, place your order for the type of pizza you’d like to have and we’ll assemble a make-at-home kit complete with instructions. It doesn’t get any easier than this, I promise!


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With the upcoming pizza recognition days, I decided to do a little research on pizza. Here are a few facts about pizza that I found out and wanted to share with you:1) The first pizzeria in the world opened in Naples, Italy in 1830.
2) In 1905 in New York City, G. Lombardi’s was the first pizzeria to open in the United States
3) Approximately 3 BILLION pizzas are sold in the United States annually
4) Pepperoni is the top ranked pizza topping in America, with anchovies coming in a solid last place.
5) 61% of the population prefers thin crust
6) Pizza is the second most popular takeout food among people over 50
7) 3 of the top 10 selling pizza weeks occur in January
8) Las Vegas, Nevada is host to the annual Pizza Expo

If you’re ever on Jeopardy this may be the information that you need to win!
In closing I’d like to say thank you to this community for supporting us for the last 5 years. We love and appreciate each one of you. Some of you have actually become extended members of our families and for that we are very thankful. We have felt the love and want to be sure you know that!

Happy Fall!

Moye’s Pharmacy in Locust Grove is making it easier to reach your wellness goals

By Ronna Moore, Moye’s Pharmacy Locust Grove pharmacist-in-charge

As we all know, there is not a Coronavirus vaccination available yet. However, Moyes Pharmacy in Locust Grove would like to remind everyone of the importance of receiving their Flu, Pneumonia and Shingles vaccine this year. The number 1 reason is because it can keep you from getting the disease. If you aren’t sick, you will not have to visit your doctor and perhaps be exposed to the Coronavirus. Secondly, these vaccinations can reduce hospitalization from related complications. As we all know, many of our hospitals are at or close to reaching capacity already. Thirdly, these vaccinations are a very important tool for use in chronic health conditions. So, this year it is more important than ever for each of us to get vaccinated.

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Moyes Pharmacy is always looking for new and innovative ways to serve our customers. We have recently implemented a new interactive platform called AZOVA. It is an exciting new tool we will be using to streamline your visits with us. It allows you to go in and register as a patient. You can google AZOVA login and begin the process there.  You can enter as much information as you would like or as little as necessary. This platform helps us as well as our patients stay current on their healthcare needs. You can set an appointment with your pharmacist for an immunization, fill out the necessary information before you get to the pharmacy, and  your vaccination will be waiting for you to come in to receive it. This expedites the whole process. However, if you prefer a walk-in, your vaccination is also available. In addition, AZOVA will send an email to your primary care physician stating that you have received your vaccination. It will also email you, the patient, a reminder of when your next vaccination is due. We can set up a future appointment or you can contact us at a later date to do so. There are more aspects to the AZOVA program that will be coming soon. We will keep you advised on those. However, if you prefer, we can help you set up your account one day when you come into the pharmacy.

Moyes is always concerned about our community and our patients. We continue to receive Coronavirus products. We strive to have all of these products in stock at all times, however, some are in short supply. We now have a limited supply of masks, gloves, thermometers, disinfectant wipes, and sprays. We have an ample supply of hand sanitizers, every form you would want. We get shipments in every day; we can take your name and number and contact you when your item comes in. We would be happy to deliver it to you also on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


We have another product that is essential during this pandemic. It is called ” IV in a bottle” our Biolyte is packed with vitamins and minerals to boost your energy and replenish those vital electrolytes you need to boost your immune system. We continue to have the citrus flavor. We’ve also added a delicious berry flavor. If you’ve never tried one, you REALLY  should. You will be surprised how much better you feel. If you are sick, been working too hard, or over indulged while playing too hard, BIOLYTE should be your new best friend. It will help before or after your activities. So stop by and pick up a bottle.  We sell individual bottles or by the case.

When you stop by to pick up your Biolyte, you can browse around to find some new country home decor items and a summer sale.

We here at Moyes Pharmacy in Locust Grove strive to be the most friendly, helpful, accessible, and knowledgeable pharmacy you visit. We wish our community and patients safe and healthy years ahead.


March Events at Peach Pit Bar and Grill

By Ken Holland, Peach Pit Bar and Grill

Hello Everyone, Ken Holland, with Peach Pit Bar and Grill here in Locust Grove.

March is going to be great month as we celebrate St Paddy’s Day on Saturday the 14th and  hold a Customer Appreciation Day on the 28th. We have a ton of fun giveaways, t-shirts and specials. Plus, we are also giving away a 60” smart TV this month.

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But before I give you details on all of that, allow me to take a moment to explain who and what we are for those who have never experienced our unique menu or our shiny new restaurant. We are so happy to be located almost directly across from the train depot on Hwy 42, and next door to our sister restaurant The French Market and Tavern. Both concepts are owned and operated by Mike and Meagan Buss. Our menu features what can be called “Classic American”. We have specialty Handcrafted Burgers, unique hotdogs, salads, wraps, pizza, milkshakes and desserts.

We always feature Locust Grove’s largest selection of craft beers on tap and cans, as well as your well-known favorites of course, at a beautiful, fully stocked, high-top pine bar. We have 12 TV’s for whatever kind of sport your into, table top games for a fun family night out, kids eat free Monday -Wednesday, a game room, and patio seating for the warmer days that are hopefully coming soon.

Now back to the FREE stuff! We are holding a raffle giveaway for a 60” smart TV. The drawing will be held at our Customer Appreciation Party on March 28th. Starting on the 14th at our St  Patrick’s Day party, your receipt from your food or beer purchase will be your raffle ticket entry. Alternatively, enter the raffle at the restaurant , no purchase needed, with an entry form.

We hope you will come check out vibrant little spot here in Locust Grove. We really want to thank the community that have stuck by us through this first few months. It’s been a wild ride but everyone has been so supportive and people are flooding our doors now that the word about us is finally getting out. Unlike the big chain restaurants we do not have a multi-million dollar marketing budget and plan. We are local, our employees are locals, and the citizens of Locust Grove that love our restaurant are our marketing plan, and we are ok with that!

Always we have Trivia night on Thursday’s from 7-9, and karaoke on Friday nights after 8pm. Come show everyone that great singing voice that sounds so good in your car!!

I hope to see and meet everyone for both of our events. We’l see you Saturday the 14th and Saturday the 28th for t-shirts, swag giveaways good food, and fun.

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TangerClub Chic!

By Nick King, Assistant General Manager Tanger Outlet Centers Locust Grove 

What if I told you there was an exclusive club specifically dedicated to getting you the best deals on your favorite brands? What if I also told you that you would get rewarded for simply making the purchases you would already be making? You would say it’s too good to be true…but I would tell you IT’S NOT!

Yes, I am talking about TangerClub! If you are a local, you are already aware of our wonderful Tanger Outlets center. However, you may not be as familiar with the ins-and-outs of being a TangerClub member.

Joining TangerClub has never been so simple. There are two ways to sign-up. First and foremost, join by clicking here. If you are more of a people-person, you can stop by Shopper Services (right next to Nike Factory) and one of our wonderful Customer Service Representatives will get you taken care of.

Once you are signed-up, you are a member for life – all available to you for a one-time fee of just $10…and just wait to you see what you get with your membership!

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Once you’re officially a TangerClub member, you can start raking in the rewards — starting by tracking your Tanger receipts. By tracking your receipts, you’ll open opportunities to progress through four spend levels, each with its own perks and benefits. For example, once you spend $250 at any Tanger location, you’ll have reached the first spend level and will be rewarded with a FREE gift. And the perks only get better from there! No matter what level you reach, you can enjoy member-only perks and access to even greater savings! Now that’s what we call shopping the way it should be.

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But wait, there’s more! TangerClub members receive a front-row to savings with VIP Parking at all Tanger locations. VIP Parking at Tanger Outlets Locust Grove is conveniently located just outside of Shopper Services. We are excited to be expanding VIP parking a little later in 2020!

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Let’s take a deeper look at the 2020 Tanger Reward Levels- because let’s be honest with ourselves…that’s what we are here for!

There are four reward tiers to achieve as a TangerClub Member:

Level 1 – $250

Level 2- $500

Level 3- $1000

Level 4- $2500

Once you reach level 1, you receive an AMAZING Free Fashion Gift and exclusive store offers and discounts. Levels 1-3 will earn you exclusive retailer rewards that progressively increase in value with each tier you conquer. Once you reach level 4, then you become a PLATINUM member. Platinum members receive a special TangerClub Platinum Card that is loaded with a $25 Tanger Reward that is redeemable at ANY of our wonderful stores. What’s better? You get to repeat the rewards! Each of the levels can be achieved 4 times annually.

Rewards for shopping: ✔️

Exclusive Offers: ✔️

VIP Parking: ✔️


There are SO many perks to being a TangerClub member so let’s do a quick rundown:

-Free Stroller Rentals ($5/$6 value for each visit)

-VIP Event Access

-Free Coupon Book with Each Visit

-Free Birthday Gift ($10+ value)

-Waived Gift Card Fees

-Surprise offers throughout the year

-Much More


You can find out about all these perks and more by visiting TangerClub.com. While there, go ahead and sign up and start on your journey to Platinum!

Once a member, you will have access to the Little Red Book of Savings and all rewards achieved throughout the year via the TangerApp or TangerClub.com.

Be sure to LIKE our Facebook Page as well, this will allow you to be informed in real time of the best deals and upcoming events!

We hope to see you shopping and saving at Tanger Outlets Locust Grove really soon and putting your TangerClub membership to use!

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